"Single voices, global choices" is a global etwinning project for students 12-17 years old. In this project Poland, Romania, Italy, Spain,Greece,Norway, Turkey, Serbia , Moldova has collaborated from September to May 2020-2021 , 8 months.Ten students from Greece 1rst junior high school of Markopoulo , Athens, Greece have participated and teacher Vasiliki Dogani.  Every month the project focused on International days  to educate students on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources, to address global problems and to celebrate and reinforce the achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations but is also a powerful advocacy tool that may help us empower our students and create global citizens who are aware of the wider world, have a sense of their role as world citizens, respect and value diversity, want to tackle social justice, and believe that all children and young people have a right to an education.

Here you can see our activities in the project:

Day of rights

International youth day

Single voices, global choices

Happy Women's day

Eat healthy for a better life

Happy earth day

Happy museum day

International Holocaust day

World suicide day