Etwinning national night of the classical high school

Etwinning national night of the classical high school

Dissemination of the project from all countries

Aποτίμηση από όλες τις συμμετέχουσες χώρες


Dissemination in social media

Αποτίμηση στα μέσα κoινωνικής δικτύωσης

Reading Marathon of "Assembly Women" Αristophanes
Mαραθώνιος ανάγνωσης από τις "Εκκλησιάζουσες" του Αριστοφάνη

Παρουσίαση από την κ. M. Μουσέτη
Presentation by M. Mouseti



Exceeds Expectations (3)

Meets Expectations (2)

Does Not Meet Expectations (1)

Understanding of Greek Culture

Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of diverse aspects of Greek civilization, including history, arts, architecture, philosophy, and social structure. Provides detailed and nuanced explanations.

Displays a good understanding of key elements of Greek culture, with some details and examples.

Limited knowledge of Greek culture shown, with minimal details or inaccuracies.

Inclusivity and Diversity

Thoroughly incorporates perspectives from diverse groups within ancient Greek society, highlighting the contributions of women, minorities, and marginalized communities. Thoughtfully explores the multicultural nature of Greek civilization.

Includes some information about the diversity of Greek culture, but could be more comprehensive.

Little to no consideration of the inclusive and diverse nature of Greek civilization.

Presentation and Communication

Presents information in a highly engaging, well-organized, and visually appealing manner. Effectively communicates the significance and relevance of Greek culture to the audience.

Presentation is reasonably organized and informative, but could be more engaging or visually compelling.

Presentation lacks organization, clarity, and visual appeal, making it difficult for the audience to follow or understand the content.

 35 students demonstrate in-depth knowledge of diverse aspects of Greek civilization, including history, arts, architecture, philosophy, and social structure. Provides detailed and nuanced explanations.5 students displays a good understanding of key elements of Greek culture, with some details and examples.25 students  incorporate perspectives from diverse groups within ancient Greek society, highlighting the contributions of women, minorities, and marginalized communities. Thoughtfully explores the multicultural nature of Greek civilization.15 students included some information about the diversity of Greek culture, but could be more comprehensive.35 students present information in a highly engaging, well-organized, and visually appealing manner. Effectively communicates the significance and relevance of Greek culture to the audience. 5 students presentation is reasonably organized and informative, but could be more engaging or visually compelling.

We awarded by Bravo schools 2024